Calculate your approximate BAC.
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How does the test work?
The BAC calculator uses the Widmark formula to estimate your BAC based on data such as gender, weight, time since last meal, and drinking duration.
Afterwards, you can test your reactions to see how alcohol affects your perception and coordination. These values are also integrated into the BAC calculation.
Fun Facts About BAC
Not just in blood: BAC levels are not only related to alcohol in the blood, but can also be detected in breath, sweat, and even tear fluid.
Animals and Alcohol: Some animals, like elephants or monkeys, intentionally eat fermented fruits and can become "drunk" – their BAC levels can be measured.
BAC Even in Fruit Flies: Even fruit flies can have BAC when they consume fermented fruits. In fact, their behavior under alcohol has been studied in research for years.
Myths and Facts About Alcohol Metabolism
There are many common tips and tricks for faster alcohol metabolism – but often they are based on myths. Here are some facts you might not know yet:
- Myth: "A strong coffee quickly makes you sober."
Fact: Caffeine can make you feel more alert, but it does not speed up alcohol metabolism. Your blood alcohol level remains unchanged. - Myth: "A lot of exercise or sauna sessions make you sober!"
Fact: Sweat only transports minimal amounts of alcohol out of the body. The liver is primarily responsible for metabolism – whether you sweat or not. - Myth: "Training makes you resistant."
Fact: Regular drinking makes you subjectively feel less intoxicated, but your blood alcohol content is just as high as in inexperienced drinkers. A "training effect" on actual BAC levels is not scientifically proven.
All these points show: You can only truly reduce your BAC by giving your body enough time and rest.
Tips for Responsible Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol can promote a sociable mood in small amounts, but excessive consumption carries risks. Always listen to your body and drink consciously.
- Drink enough water in between.
- Eat something before you drink.
- Set a limit and respect it.
- Do not drive under the influence of alcohol.
Further information: BZgA – Alcohol and DHS – Alcohol .